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Terms of use

This section outlines the terms of use which apply to this website.

On this page:

General terms

This website is owned by the Ministry of Education. Your use of this website is governed by these terms of use. By accessing and browsing this site, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. The Ministry of Education may amend these terms of use from time to time. Each time you access and use this website, you are deemed to have agreed to the amended terms of use.

Use of content

The content of this website is intended for use within New Zealand primary and secondary schools for information and educational purposes only.

While the Ministry of Education has tried to ensure that the content of this website is current, accurate and complete, it does not guarantee or warrant that such content will be current, accurate or complete when you access it. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on, or accessed through, this website. The content does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such.

The Ministry of Education will take action to correct any error or inaccuracy which is brought to its attention, within a reasonable time. If there are any errors on this website, please advise by email: [email protected]

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General liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Ministry of Education excludes:

  1. all warranties, representations and guarantees (whether express, implied or statutory), including without limit, suitability, fitness for purpose, accuracy or completeness of this website or the content on or accessed through it; and
  2. all liability for any damage, loss, or expenses, or indirect losses or consequential damages of any kind suffered or incurred by you in connection with your access to or use of this website or the content on or accessed through it.

Right to use website and content

The copyright on all material on this website is owned by the Crown or New Zealand Ministry of Education (unless the content is identified as being the property of a third party).

Crown or Ministry copyright content on this website may be copied, accessed, viewed, reproduced and printed for non-commercial purposes, with appropriate attribution to the owner and source.

For material containing third-party copyright, copying is according to the Copyright Act 1994.

To use any material on this site that is the property of a third party, you must obtain the prior permission of the relevant copyright owner.

Please address requests to copy or use the content of this website for other purposes to: [email protected]

Links to other sites

This website contains links to third-party websites. The links are provided for your convenience only, and do not imply that the Ministry of Education checks, controls, endorses, approves or agrees with the third party websites it links to.

We accept no liability for any loss caused as a result of any information or opinion contained in any link found within this website.


We accept no responsibility for any inability to access this website at any time. We will use our best efforts to keep this website free from viruses and errors. However, we do not accept any liability for any damage or loss caused to you, your computer hardware, software, Internet connections or other peripherals as a result of the use of this website.


These terms of use and any matters or disputes connected with this website shall be governed by New Zealand law and dealt with by New Zealand courts.

Privacy and security

We may make a record of your visit to this website and log the following information for statistical purposes: server address, date and time of visit, time spent, pages accessed, browser used, domain name, country and previous site visited. The Ministry of Education may attempt to identify users and their browsing activity where a law enforcement agency requests inspection of the Ministry of Education's service provider logs.
